Sunday, May 19, 2013

can't stop thinking about teeth..

well the day has come and I finally got my braces off 
(insert sigh of relief here)
though i still have a lot of dental work to do before i get my 'perfect smile' i am still over the moon and cannot stop thinking about teeth (not just the lolly kind)
so i thought this post was fitting. though a little over priced at $67 each, these would simply be amazing the next time you had your friends over for coffee..
x c
to buy yours click here

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

a wooden clutch to die for..

as much as i don't allow myself to feed my handbag obsession, this is just simply ridiculous and i am busting out the big guns to convince myself i can justify buying one of these amazing pieces of art and fashion.
will i cave is the question?
x c

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

do you double denim?

in my eyes i'ts always been one of the biggest fashion blunders. when i heard double denim was making a come back, i must say i was a little shocked and wrote it off straight away.
(a typical coco move)
though thanks goodness this time round there are many tasteful takes on the old classic blues. not only just denim on denim, blue on blue is a great new take on it. with chambray shirts on the rise, there are plenty of denim/blue options available to mix it up this season.
i couldn't have picked a better time to buy a denim pram and carrier. 
look out mums i'll soon be busting out the denim on denim....
x c
 images from oracle fox

Saturday, May 11, 2013

candles you won't want to burn..

there is something to say about the feeling when you light a candle in your house. it almost makes you feel more relaxed instantly and more at one with yourself.
when i stumbled across these gorgeous beeswax candles it was love at first sight.
 though i don't think i could bring myself to burn them, they are just too cute!
to buy yours click here
x c

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