Sunday, February 13, 2011


well i am officially feeling sorry for myself this valentines day. my hot man has gone away to work in central australia for a while to earn some coin. first day after he left is valentines day. this one goes out to him. not to his new boss who gave him less than 24 hrs notice...

shelling and eating pistachios, showers in the dark, roller derby,  an unlimited shopping spree, live music, cupcakes, watching sex and the city, vintage shopping, lindt chocolate, my amazing puzzle box, singing on a stage, fresh cut flowers, my leather jacket from florence, redecorating, the smell of rain, impulse buying on-line while blogging, Le cinque terre (Italy), my pooch, the first stretch in the morning, my caravan (even the finished version in my mind), my zimmerman bikini i haven't worn yet :-o, cuddles in bed on a rainy day, eating cookies fresh out of the oven, wearing mum's perfume, my lamp that i had on lay-by for way too long, my alter-ego sh-anal, eating gnocchi from you know where, my other love bb king, standing on your feet while dancing, my leopard print obsession, squeezing jelly through my teeth, my beloved i-pad, the twirling ballerina in my jewellery box, the chunks in my donut ice-cream, 
but mostly, I love you more than you will ever know.
love love

ytba his and hers pendants $34
miss you already.
forever and ever


  1. I miss you so much sexy! I can't wait to see you, and tell you how much I love you. I feel so loved, thank u. Forever and ever Babe :-)

  2. couldn't be happier than right now with you...except that your not here :-(

  3. i just ordered that jigsaw necklace super cute! x

  4. great babes..they are so affordable too! Make sure you spread my blog love to all your friends. xx


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