Monday, June 6, 2011

no it's not vertical planking...

Natsumi Hayashi isn't just a sweet-looking Japanese girl. she, very randomy one day, decided to take self-portraits...of herself... levitating. (no it's not called vertcial planking ) she can be spotted in and around Tokyo, equipped with her SLR and her self-timer. when she feels the moment strike, she presses the shutter button down and then, quite literally, "jumps" into place. 

i love that her shots don't feel forced, she really has a way of making you feel as though she naturally levitates throughout life

a big thanks to hobbsy for sharing this find with me, and not it's my turn to share it with you...


  1. love these photos they look great!

  2. thanks hun, they are pretty amazing aren't they. i like the one 4th from the bottom! hope your well miss.xx

  3. yeah, that pretty much is vertical planking. It's rad times a million better than crap normal planking though.


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